Guido, Cappellini, designer, economy, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Guido, Cappellini, designer, economy, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Guido, Cappellini, designer, economy, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Guido, Cappellini, designer, economy, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
immigrati cinesi a torino ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
immigrati cinesi a torino ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
immigrati cinesi a torino ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Luigi, CANTARELLA, FIAT, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
museo di zoologia di torino, museo scienze naturali-cane marsupiale ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
a dog wating, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
sumi yo, candide, 1997-98, teatro regio torino, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
sumi yo, candide, 1997-98, teatro regio torino, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
neurological surgeons  Sergio Canavero MD (US FMGEMS) and Barbara Massa Micon who shifted the patient Greta Vannuci, in vegetative condition from january 2006 after a car accident, from the permanent vegetative state to the minimal conscious state after a stimulating brain surgery. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
neurological surgeons  Sergio Canavero MD (US FMGEMS) and Barbara Massa Micon who shifted the patient Greta Vannuci, in vegetative condition from january 2006 after a car accident, from the permanent vegetative state to the minimal conscious state after a stimulating brain surgery. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
neurological surgeons  Sergio Canavero MD (US FMGEMS) and Barbara Massa Micon who shifted the patient Greta Vannuci, in vegetative condition from january 2006 after a car accident, from the permanent vegetative state to the minimal conscious state after a stimulating brain surgery. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
neurological surgeons  Sergio Canavero MD (US FMGEMS) and Barbara Massa Micon who shifted the patient Greta Vannuci, in vegetative condition from january 2006 after a car accident, from the permanent vegetative state to the minimal conscious state after a stimulating brain surgery. in the picture with brain inage resting state fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging): the resting state has shifted towards a more normal pattern. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
neurological surgeons  Sergio Canavero MD (US FMGEMS) and Barbara Massa Micon who shifted the patient Greta Vannuci, in vegetative condition from january 2006 after a car accident, from the permanent vegetative state to the minimal conscious state after a stimulating brain surgery. in the picture with brain inage resting state fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging): the resting state has shifted towards a more normal pattern. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
neurological surgeons  Sergio Canavero MD (US FMGEMS) and Barbara Massa Micon who shifted the patient Greta Vannuci, in vegetative condition from january 2006 after a car accident, from the permanent vegetative state to the minimal conscious state after a stimulating brain surgery. in the picture with brain inage resting state fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging): the resting state has shifted towards a more normal pattern. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
neurological surgeons  Sergio Canavero MD (US FMGEMS) and Barbara Massa Micon who shifted the patient Greta Vannuci, in vegetative condition from january 2006 after a car accident, from the permanent vegetative state to the minimal conscious state after a stimulating brain surgery. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
neurological surgeons  Sergio Canavero MD (US FMGEMS) and Barbara Massa Micon who shifted the patient Greta Vannuci, in vegetative condition from january 2006 after a car accident, from the permanent vegetative state to the minimal conscious state after a stimulating brain surgery. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
neurological surgeons  Sergio Canavero MD (US FMGEMS) and Barbara Massa Micon who shifted the patient Greta Vannuci, in vegetative condition from january 2006 after a car accident, from the permanent vegetative state to the minimal conscious state after a stimulating brain surgery. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
neurological surgeons  Sergio Canavero MD (US FMGEMS) and Barbara Massa Micon who shifted the patient Greta Vannuci, in vegetative condition from january 2006 after a car accident, from the permanent vegetative state to the minimal conscious state after a stimulating brain surgery. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
neurological surgeons  Sergio Canavero MD (US FMGEMS) and Barbara Massa Micon who shifted the patient Greta Vannuci, in vegetative condition from january 2006 after a car accident, from the permanent vegetative state to the minimal conscious state after a stimulating brain surgery. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
neurological surgeons  Sergio Canavero MD (US FMGEMS) and Barbara Massa Micon who shifted the patient Greta Vannuci, in vegetative condition from january 2006 after a car accident, from the permanent vegetative state to the minimal conscious state after a stimulating brain surgery. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
neurological surgeons  Sergio Canavero MD (US FMGEMS) and Barbara Massa Micon who shifted the patient Greta Vannuci, in vegetative condition from january 2006 after a car accident, from the permanent vegetative state to the minimal conscious state after a stimulating brain surgery. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
irlanda, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, ireland, cork, country side, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, ireland, cork, country side, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, ireland, cork, country side, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, ireland, cork, country side, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
shopping in cannes ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
moira orfei circus ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
moira orfei circus ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Andrea, Camilleri, writer, may 2001, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Andrea, Camilleri, writer, may 2001, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Andrea, Camilleri, writer, may 2001, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Andrea, Camilleri, writer, may 2001, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
police patrol in death chamber of an hospital for funeral service firm scandal in italy - blitz guardi di finanza alle camere mortuarie ospedale mauriziano torino per scandalo pompe funebri. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, italy, turin, suburbs via artom, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Torino, january 15, 2008 - opening of the trial against THYSSEN KRUPP for the fire of dec 7 2007, where 7 workers losted their life. in the pict cosimo cafuer accused and former resposable of factory security ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
telephone booth, turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
telephone booth, turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
scatola sonora - festival for little dimensions music theatre - Alessandria, apr 2007, - decima ed. festival di teatro musicale di piccole dimensoni - conservatorio alessandria - directed by luca valentino ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
scatola sonora - festival for little dimensions music theatre - Alessandria, apr 2007, - decima ed. festival di teatro musicale di piccole dimensoni - conservatorio alessandria - directed by luca valentino ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
concert of GORAN BREGOVIC AND wedding and funeral band - Torino Pun ti Verdi july 18th 2006 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
concert of GORAN BREGOVIC AND wedding and funeral band - Torino Pun ti Verdi july 18th 2006 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
PRESENTATE IN ANTEPRIMA ALLA STAMPA LE IMMAGINI DEL BRACIERE OLIMPICO DI TORINO 2006 - foto fornite da toroc - alberto ramella-grazianeri. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
PRESENTATE IN ANTEPRIMA ALLA STAMPA LE IMMAGINI DEL BRACIERE OLIMPICO DI TORINO 2006 - foto fornite da toroc - alberto ramella-grazianeri. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
PRESENTATE IN ANTEPRIMA ALLA STAMPA LE IMMAGINI DEL BRACIERE OLIMPICO DI TORINO 2006 - foto fornite da toroc - alberto ramella-grazianeri. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
PRESENTATE IN ANTEPRIMA ALLA STAMPA LE IMMAGINI DEL BRACIERE OLIMPICO DI TORINO 2006 - foto fornite da toroc - alberto ramella-grazianeri. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
child, model release, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Buthros Buthros, Gahli, politician, 2003, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
ALDO BUSI, writer, italy.. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
american president george w bush as appears in italian tg2 television - 11.09.2001 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
burhan ocal, turkish musician (percussions) with his  istanbul oriental ensemble performing a concert in torino july 21st 2006 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
burhan ocal, turkish musician (percussions) with his  istanbul oriental ensemble performing a concert in torino july 21st 2006 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
burhan ocal, turkish musician (percussions) with his  istanbul oriental ensemble performing a concert in torino july 21st 2006 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
burhan ocal, turkish musician (percussions) with his  istanbul oriental ensemble performing a concert in torino july 21st 2006 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
burhan ocal, turkish musician (percussions) with his  istanbul oriental ensemble performing a concert in torino july 21st 2006 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
burhan ocal, turkish musician (percussions) with his  istanbul oriental ensemble performing a concert in torino july 21st 2006 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
burhan ocal, turkish musician (percussions) with his  istanbul oriental ensemble performing a concert in torino july 21st 2006 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
burhan ocal, turkish musician (percussions) with his  istanbul oriental ensemble performing a concert in torino july 21st 2006 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
burhan ocal, turkish musician (percussions) with his  istanbul oriental ensemble performing a concert in torino july 21st 2006 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
burhan ocal, turkish musician (percussions) with his  istanbul oriental ensemble performing a concert in torino july 21st 2006 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
burhan ocal, turkish musician (percussions) with his  istanbul oriental ensemble performing a concert in torino july 21st 2006 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
burhan ocal, turkish musician (percussions) with his  istanbul oriental ensemble performing a concert in torino july 21st 2006 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
burhan ocal, turkish musician (percussions) with his  istanbul oriental ensemble performing a concert in torino july 21st 2006 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
burhan ocal, turkish musician (percussions) with his  istanbul oriental ensemble performing a concert in torino july 21st 2006 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
burhan ocal, turkish musician (percussions) with his  istanbul oriental ensemble performing a concert in torino july 21st 2006 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
burhan ocal, turkish musician (percussions) with his  istanbul oriental ensemble performing a concert in torino july 21st 2006 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
post office - servizio postale - poste italiane - posta-buca postale - imbucare corrispondenza ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
teatro bolshoi ballett moscow, , teatro regio, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
teatro bolshoi ballett moscow, , teatro regio, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
teatro bolshoi ballett moscow, , teatro regio, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
teatro bolshoi ballett moscow, , teatro regio, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
teatro bolshoi ballett moscow, , teatro regio, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
teatro bolshoi ballett moscow, , teatro regio, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
teatro bolshoi ballett moscow, , teatro regio, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, italy, piedmont, turin, bastian contrario restaurant, traditional piedmontes cakes, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
aldo, bruson, basso, falstaff, 2001, teatro regio torino, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
aldo, bruson, basso, falstaff, 2001, teatro regio torino, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Valeria, Bruni Tedeschi, actress, , ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
festa - ricevimento nella villa di Marisa Bruni Tedeschi a Castagneto PO - 7-09-2002..nella foto VALERIA E CARLA BRUNI SULLA PORTA DI CASA.. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
festa - ricevimento nella villa di Marisa Bruni Tedeschi a Castagneto PO - 7-09-2002..nella foto VALERIA E CARLA BRUNI SULLA PORTA DI CASA.. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
festa - ricevimento nella villa di Marisa Bruni Tedeschi a Castagneto PO - 7-09-2002..nella foto VALERIA E CARLA BRUNI.. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Carla, Bruni, Top Model, singer, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Brunello, Cucinelli, economy, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Umberto, Broccoli, journalist, 2003, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
torino, cimitero generale.cerimonia 25 aprile per i militari italiani caduti neri campi nazisti durante la seconda guerra mondiale - partigiani brigata garibaldi ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mercedes bresso presidente regione piemonte ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mercedes bresso ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mercedes bresso ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mercedes bresso ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mercedes bresso ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mercedes bresso ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mercedes bresso ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mercedes bresso ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mercedes bresso ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mercedes bresso presidente regione piemonte ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mercedes bresso ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
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