cimitero monumentale di torino ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
cimitero a torino ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
cimitero monumentale di torino ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
cimitero monumentale di torino ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
cimitero monumentale di torino-monumento funebre tamagno ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
cimitero monumentale di torino ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
cimitero a torino ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
cimitero a revigliasco (torino) ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
chiclets machines from the 50s, irealnd, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
chiclets machines from the 50s, irealnd, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Carlo Azeglio, Ciampi,Marcello, Pera, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Carlo Azeglio, Ciampi, Franca, Ciampi, John, Elkann, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Carlo Azeglio, Ciampi, Franca, Ciampi, John, Elkann, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Carlo Azeglio, Ciampi.2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Carlo Azeglio, Ciampi, Franca, Ciampi,2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Carlo Azeglio, Ciampi, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Carlo Azeglio, Ciampi, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
evelina, christillin, sport manager, Torino 2006 Olympics, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
la chiesa romanica san secondo a bose ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, italy, turin, panorama, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
comunita monastica di bose diretta da enzo bianchi ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, italy, sicily, catania, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
comunita monastica di bose diretta da enzo bianchi ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Sergio, Chiamparino, mair of Turin, Mercedes, Bresso President Region Piemonte, Turin, 2004 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
torino, feb 27th 2002, Sergio Chiamparino, with olympic banner from Salt Lake City, Torino 2006 Olympics, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Sergio, Chiamparino, mair of Turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Sergio, Chiamparino, mair of Turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Sergio, Chiamparino, mair of Turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Sergio, Chiamparino, mai of Turin, politician, may 2004, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
sergio chiamparino, mair of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Sergio, Chiamparino, mai of Turin, politician, may 2004, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Sergio, Chiamparino,mair of Turin, politician, 2003, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Sergio, Chiamparino, mair of Turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
daniel chavarria, writer, ida giannelli, director of rivoli modern art museum, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
daniel chavarria, writer, ida giannelli, director of rivoli modern art museum, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
daniel chavarria, writer, ida giannelli, director of rivoli modern art museum, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
daniel chavarria, writer, ida giannelli, director of rivoli modern art museum, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
daniel chavarria, writer, ida giannelli, director of rivoli modern art museum, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
daniel chavarria, writer, ida giannelli, director of rivoli modern art museum, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Cesare, Marchi, writer, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
science, exhibition about brain, experimenta, turin, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
science, exhibition about brain, experimenta, turin, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
science, exhibition about brain, experimenta, turin, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
science, exhibition about brain, experimenta, turin, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
science, exhibition about brain, experimenta, turin, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
science, exhibition about brain, experimenta, turin, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
science, exhibition about brain, experimenta, turin, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
science, exhibition about brain, experimenta, turin, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
science, exhibition about brain, experimenta, turin, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
science, exhibition about brain, experimenta, turin, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
science, exhibition about brain, experimenta, turin, 2002, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Guido, Ceronetti, writer, artist, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Guido, Ceronetti, writer, artist, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
comunita monastica di bose diretta da enzo bianchi ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
centro stile fiat ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rally of lefters - ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rally of lefters - ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
torino, cimitero generale.monumeto ai militari italiani caduti nei lager nazisti, urna con ceneri di militari cremati nei campi nazisti in germania durante la seconda guerra mondiale ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
police patrol in death chamber of an hospital for funeral service firm scandal in italy - blitz guardi di finanza alle camere mortuarie ospedale mauriziano torino per scandalo pompe funebri. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
museo di zoologia di torino, museo scienze naturali-cavallo zebra ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, italy, turin, monument of emanuele filiberto di savoia, piazza san carlo, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, italy, turin, monument of emanuele filiberto di savoia, piazza san carlo, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, italy, turin, monument of emanuele filiberto di savoia, piazza san carlo, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, italy, turin, monument of emanuele filiberto di savoia, piazza san carlo, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, italy, turin, monument of emanuele filiberto di savoia, piazza san carlo, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, italy, turin, monument of emanuele filiberto di savoia, piazza san carlo, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, italy, sicily, catania, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
nicola cavaliere, police, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
nicola cavaliere, police, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
nicola cavaliere, police, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Catro, Roberto, economy, , ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, italy, sicily, catania, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, ireland, CASTLE DURROW, LAOIS. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, ireland, CASTLE DURROW, LAOIS. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, ireland, CASTLE DURROW, LAOIS. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, ireland, CASTLE DURROW, LAOIS. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, ireland, CASTLE DURROW, LAOIS. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, ireland, CASTLE DURROW, LAOIS. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, ireland, CASTLE DURROW, LAOIS. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, ireland, CASTLE DURROW, LAOIS. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, ireland, CASTLE DURROW, LAOIS. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, ireland, CASTLE DURROW, LAOIS. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, ireland, CASTLE DURROW, LAOIS. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, ireland, CASTLE DURROW, LAOIS. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
palazzo madama ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Onorato, Castellino, economy, , ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
valentino castellani and jean claude killy with torino 2006 mascottes neve and gliz ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
valentino castellani, torino 2006 olympics, Ramella Alberto/GraziaNeri ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
moira orfei circus ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
moira orfei circus ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Casorati, Felice (1886–1963), Italian painter. Influenced by Beardsley and other English engravers, Casorati, together with Carrà, was involved in the symbolist movement. He was instrumental in the formation of the metaphysical school. in the picture felice casorati posed in his atelier in early 50s. this photo is autographed by casorati and dedicated to his friend enrico paulucci (painter) ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Casorati, Felice (1886–1963), Italian painter. Influenced by Beardsley and other English engravers, Casorati, together with Carrà, was involved in the symbolist movement. He was instrumental in the formation of the metaphysical school. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Casorati, Felice (1886–1963), Italian painter. Influenced by Beardsley and other English engravers, Casorati, together with Carrà, was involved in the symbolist movement. He was instrumental in the formation of the metaphysical school. in the pict felice casorati and his better dog Fillina in his Pavarolos home, 1961 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Casorati, Felice (1886–1963), Italian painter. Influenced by Beardsley and other English engravers, Casorati, together with Carrà, was involved in the symbolist movement. He was instrumental in the formation of the metaphysical school. in the pict casorati and friends on the balcony of his Pavarolos home ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Casorati, Felice (1886–1963), Italian painter. Influenced by Beardsley and other English engravers, Casorati, together with Carrà, was involved in the symbolist movement. He was instrumental in the formation of the metaphysical school.  felice casorati with sister elvira and better dog fillina in his house few months before his death, 1963 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Casorati, Felice (1886–1963), Italian painter. Influenced by Beardsley and other English engravers, Casorati, together with Carrà, was involved in the symbolist movement. He was instrumental in the formation of the metaphysical school.  in the piuct felice casorati in 1962, one year before death in his house in Pavarolo ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Casorati, Felice (1886–1963), Italian painter. Influenced by Beardsley and other English engravers, Casorati, together with Carrà, was involved in the symbolist movement. He was instrumental in the formation of the metaphysical school. in the pict feliuce casorati in his studio in 1951 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Pierferdinando, Casini, politicdian, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Pierferdinando, Casini, politicdian, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Pierferdinando, Casini, politicdian, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
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