
Marcello D'Andrea

Marcello D'Andrea was born in Naples in 1970. He started to work as a photographer in 1986 focusing his attention on Italian basket championships. Tutto, Mucchio selvaggio, Rockstar, Ciao 2001, Rumore, XL, Tribe and Rolling Stone are just some of the magazines he has been working with from 1991. He has got a wide collection of artists' photos of rock music, even unpublished. Besides, he contributes to some of the most important national newspapers such as La Repubblica, Corriere della sera and Il Manifesto, but also to famous reviews as L'Espresso, Carnet, Trend & Discoteque. Many photo campaigns he realized in cooperation with his colleague Luciano Romano, have been edited by Franco Maria Ricci. He has also been working for the S. Carlo's theatre in Naples. Then he worked in cooperation with the reviewer and journalist Giorgio Agnisola for the review Luoghi dell'infinito edited by Avvenire. From 1999, his photos are distributed in Italy and abroad by Grazia Neri agency, today Black archives agency.