Diurnal hotel Colabianchi in Piazza del Duomo. It opened in 1924 and was the first diurnal hotel in Milan / Lalbergo Diurno Colabianchi in piazza del Duomo. Aprì nel 1924 e fu il primo albergo diurno di Milano - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milano, 1920 circa, Teatro Lirico in via Larga - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milano, via Larga, 1920 circa. A quel tempo la circolazione era a sinistra - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milano Bicocca 1922 - Reproduced by maMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, 1917. Bicocca district / Milano, 1917. Quariere della Bicocca - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, early twentieth century. Porta Venezia / Milano, inizi del Novecento. Porta Venezia - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, Via Larga in the early twentieth century / Milano, via Larga agli inizi del Novecento - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milano, 1910. Via Ponte Vetero - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milano, via Ponte Vetero, c. 1910 - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milano, Via Giuseppe Verdi, 1905 - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, 1900. Piazza della Scala and the monument to Leonardo da Vinci, by Pietro Magni, said on liter in quater (a liter for four), because its shape resembles that of a bottle of wine with four glasses around / Milano, 1900. Piazza della Scala e monumento a Leonardo da Vinci, opera di Pietro Magni, detto on liter in quater, un litro in quattro, perché la sua forma ricorda una bottiglia di vino con quattro bicchieri intorno - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
piazza della Scala, 1900 circa - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, early twentieth century. The five streets crossing near the Cathedral that draw a star: Via Santa Marta, Via Santa Maria Podone, Via Santa Maria Fulcorina, via Bocchetto and via del Bollo / Milano, inizi del Novecento. Le cinque vie vicino al Duomo che incrociandosi disegnano una stella : via Santa Marta, via Santa Maria Podone, via Santa Maria Fulcorina, via Bocchetto e via del Bollo - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, Via Santa Radegonda in the early twentieth century / Milano, il bar Savoia in via Santa Radegonda agli inizi del Novecento - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, Corso Garibaldi and Via Tivoli at the beginning of the twentieth century / Milano, Corso Garibaldi e via Tivoli allinizio del ventesimo secolo - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, early twentieth century. Vicolo delle Lavandaie on Naviglio Grande / Milano, inizi del Novecento. Vicolo delle lavandaie sul Naviglio grande - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, early twentieth century. Naviglio and Via San Marco / Milano, primi del Novecento. Naviglio e via San Marco - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, early twentieth century. Darsena at Porta Ticinese / Milano, inizi del Novecento. Darsena di Porta Ticinese - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, early twentieth century. Piazza Galileo Galilei with in the foreground washerwomen washing clothes in Redefossi and in the background, on the right, the old Central Station demolished in 1931 / Milano, inizi del Novecento. Piazza Galileo Galilei con in primo piano lavandaie che lavano i panni nel Redefossi e sullo sfondo, a destra, la vecchia Stazione Centrale demolita nel 1931 - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milano, via Pepe nel quartiere Isola (1945 citrca) / Milan, via Pepe in the Isola district (about 1945) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milano, Pianta del cimitero della Mojazza, storicamente chiamato cimitero di Porta Comasina, poi di Porta Garibaldi. Era uno dei cinque cimiteri cittadini, collocati fuori dalle porte di Milano, soppressi negli anni successivi allapertura del Cimitero Monumentale e del Cimitero Maggiore. Sorto nel 1685 presso la cascina Mojazza, fuori da porta Comasina, in unarea individuabile oggi fra le vie Jacopo Dal Verme, Cola Montano, Angelo Della Pergola e piazzale Archinto, nel quartiere Isola. Venne in seguito trasferito nel 1786 in unarea corrispondente allattuale piazzale Lagosta / Milan, Plan of the Mojazza Cemetery, called the cemetery of Porta Comasina, then of Porta Garibaldi. It was one of the five cemeteries in the city, placed outside the gates of Milan, suppressed in the years following the opening of the Monumental Cemetery and Main Cemetery (Cimitero Maggiore). It was built in 1685 at the Cascina Mojazza, out Porta Comasina, in an area identified today through the streets Jacopo Dal Verme, Cola Montano, Angelo Della Pergola and Piazza Archinto. It was later transferred in 1786 in an area corresponding to the present Piazzale Lagosta, in the Isola district - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milano, Cavalcavia Bussa (1930 circa) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, c. 1920. The public laundry on Via Porro Lambertenghi, which replaced the old laundry on via Garibaldi with modern facilities. It stood where there is now the Methodist church and was composed of 168 wash stations, two centrifuges and a heating system for the production of hot air. It occupied about 800 square meters and was covered by a terrace for drying clothes / Milano, 1920 circa. Il lavatoio pubblico di via Porro Lambertenghi, che sostituì con impianti moderni il vecchio lavatoio di piazza Garibaldi. Sorgeva dove cè oggi la chiesa metodista ed era composto di 168 postazioni di lavaggio, due idroestrattori a forza centrifuga e di un impianto termico per la produzione di aria calda. Occupava circa 800 metri quadrati ed era coperto da una terrazza per stendere i panni - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, c. 1920. The public laundry on Via Porro Lambertenghi, which replaced the old laundry on via Garibaldi with modern facilities. It stood where there is now the Methodist church and was composed of 168 wash stations, two centrifuges and a heating system for the production of hot air. It occupied about 800 square meters and was covered by a terrace for drying clothes / Milano, 1920 circa. Il lavatoio pubblico di via Porro Lambertenghi, che sostituì con impianti moderni il vecchio lavatoio di piazza Garibaldi. Sorgeva dove cè oggi la chiesa metodista ed era composto di 168 postazioni di lavaggio, due idroestrattori a forza centrifuga e di un impianto termico per la produzione di aria calda. Occupava circa 800 metri quadrati ed era coperto da una terrazza per stendere i panni - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, early twentieth century. Footbridge between Corso Como and via Borsieri, in the Isola district / Milano, primi del Novecento. Ponte pedonale tra Corso Como e via Borsieri, nel quartiere Isola - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, early twentieth century. Footbridge between Corso Como and via Borsieri, in the Isola district / Milano, primi del Novecento. Ponte pedonale tra Corso Como e via Borsieri, nel quartiere Isola - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, early twentieth century. Footbridge between Corso Como and via Borsieri, in the Isola district / Milano, primi del Novecento. Ponte pedonale tra Corso Como e via Borsieri, nel quartiere Isola - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, early twentieth century. Footbridge between Corso Como and via Borsieri, in the Isola district / Milano, primi del Novecento. Ponte pedonale tra Corso Como e via Borsieri, nel quartiere Isola - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, Piazza della Scala in the end of the nineteenth century / Milano, piazza della Scala, fine dellOttocento - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, Piazza Duomo in the early twentieth century / Milano, piazza Duomo ai primi del Novecento - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, Piazza della Scala in the end of the nineteenth century / Milano, piazza della Scala alla fine dellOttocento - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, Corso Magenta in the late nineteenth century / Milano, Corso Magenta alla fine dellOttocento - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, Porta Genova in the early twentieth century / Milano, Porta Genova ai primi del Novecento - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, Via Torino in the early twentieth century / Milano, via Torino agli inizi del Novecento - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, c. 1850. Naviglio Martesana at the beginning of Via Melchiorre Gioia, in front of the current Financial Police barrack that from 1854 to 1861 was the Porta Nuova Station / Milano, 1850 circa. Il naviglio Martesana allinizio di via Melchiorre Gioia, di fronte allattuale caserma della Guardia di Finanza che dal 1854 al 1861 fu Stazione di Porta Nuova - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milano, Piazza della Scala, c. 1880 - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milano, c 1880, Corso Magenta - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milan, Teatro alla Scala with buildings around, c. 1850 / Milano, Teatro alla Scala circondato da edifici, 1850 circa - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Milano, Piazza della Scala, c. 1850 - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Marie of Edinburgh (1875-1928), wife of King Ferdinand of Romania / Maria di Edimburgo (1875-1928), moglie del re Ferdinando di Romania - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
June 2, 1953. Queen Mother Elizabeth, her grandson Prince Charles and her daughter, Princess Margaret, participate in the ceremony of coronation of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom / 2 giugno 1953. La regina madre Elisabetta, suo nipote il principe Carlo e sua figlia, la principessa Margaret, partecipano alla cerimonia di incoronazione della regina Elisabetta  - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Jodi Picoult, American novelist and writer of Lone Wolf at The Oxford Literary Festival at Christchurch College Oxford. Taken 28th March 2012..©Credit Geraint Lewis/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Jodi Picoult, American novelist and writer of Lone Wolf at The Oxford Literary Festival at Christchurch College Oxford. Taken 28th March 2012..©Credit Geraint Lewis/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Jodi Picoult, American novelist and writer of Lone Wolf at The Oxford Literary Festival at Christchurch College Oxford. Taken 28th March 2012..©Credit Geraint Lewis/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Jodi Picoult, American novelist and writer of Lone Wolf at The Oxford Literary Festival at Christchurch College Oxford. Taken 28th March 2012..©Credit Geraint Lewis/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Jodi Picoult, American novelist and writer of Lone Wolf at The Oxford Literary Festival at Christchurch College Oxford. Taken 28th March 2012..©Credit Geraint Lewis/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Jodi Picoult, American novelist and writer of Lone Wolf at The Oxford Literary Festival at Christchurch College Oxford. Taken 28th March 2012..©Credit Geraint Lewis/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Jodi Picoult, American novelist and writer of Lone Wolf at The Oxford Literary Festival at Christchurch College Oxford. Taken 28th March 2012..©Credit Geraint Lewis/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Jodi Picoult, American novelist and writer of Lone Wolf at The Oxford Literary Festival at Christchurch College Oxford. Taken 28th March 2012..©Credit Geraint Lewis/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
General plan of the International Exhibition of Art in Rome (1911) / Planimetria generale della Esposizione internazionale darte di Roma (1911) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Rome, 1911. General view of the great Stadium on the Flaminia road / Roma, 1911. Veduta generale del grande Stadium  sulla via Flaminia - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Rome, about 1921. The monument to Vittorio Emanuele II (Vittoriano), perhaps in occasion of the burial of the unknown soldier / Roma, 1921 circa, Il monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II (Vittoriano), forse in occasione della tumulazione del milite ignoto - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Rome, 1910. Construction of the monument to Vittorio Emanuele II (Vittoriano) / Roma, 1910. Costruzione del monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II (Vittoriano) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Rome, 1911. Ethnographic Exposition, Sardinian Pavilion at Piazza dArmi / Roma, 1911. Esposizione etnografica. Il padiglione dela Sardegna in piazza darmi - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Rome, 1911. Ethnographic Exposition, Sicilian Pavilion at Piazza dArmi / Roma, 1911. Esposizione etnografica. Il padiglione della Sicilia in piazza darmi - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Rome, 1911. Ethnographic Exposition, the Umbrian Pavilion / Roma, 1911. Esposizione etnografica, il padiglione umbro - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Rome, 1911. The tobbogan at Piazza dArmi / Roma, 1911. Il tobbogan in piazza darmi - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Rome, 1911. Ethnographic Exposition. The Pavilion of the Feasts, interior of the theater / Roma, 1911. Esposizione etnografica. Il padiglione delle feste, interno del teatro - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Rome, 1911. Ethnographic Exposition. The Pavilion of the Feasts / Roma, 1911. Esposizione etnografica. Il padiglione delle feste - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Rome, April 21, 1911. The Sovereigns of Italy and the Prince of Connaught at the Ethnographic Exhibition at Piazza dArmi / Roma, 21 aprile 1911. I Sovrani dItalia e il Principe di Connaught allEsposizione etnografica a Piazza darmi- Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Rome, April 21, 1911. Opening of the Ethnografic Exposition at Piazza dArmi / Roma, 21 aprile 1911. Inaugurazione dellEsposizione in Piazza dArmi - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Rome, April 21, 1911. Opening of the Ethnografic Exposition at the Forum of the Regions / Roma, 21 aprile 1911. Inaugurazione dellEsposizione Etnografica al Foro delle Regioni  - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Rome, April 21, 1911. The Sovereigns of Italy and the Prince of Connaught inaugurating the Ethnographic Exhibition at Piazza dArmi / Roma, 21 aprile 1911. I Sovrani dItalia e il Principe di Connaught inaugurano lEsposizione etnografica a Piazza darmi- Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Rome, April 21, 1911. The Sovereigns of Italy and the Prince of Connaught inaugurating the Ethnographic Exhibition at Piazza dArmi / Roma, 21 aprile 1911. I Sovrani dItalia e il Principe di Connaught inaugurano lEsposizione etnografica a Piazza darmi- Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Rome, March 28, 1911. The Sovereigns of Italy inaugurating the retrospective exhibition at Castel SantAngelo / Roma, 28 marzo 1911. I Sovrani dItalia inaugurano la mostra retrospettiva a Castel SantAngelo - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Rome, 1911. The Sovereigns of Italy at the International Exhibition of Art / Roma, 1911. I Sovrani dItalia allEsposizione Internazionale dArte - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Rome, April 8, 1911. The Sovereigns and imperial Princes of Germany inaugurating the Archeological Exposition at the Baths of Diocletian / Roma, 8 aprile 1911. i Sovrani e i Principi imperiali di Germania inaugurano lEsposizione archeologica alle Terme di Diocleziano - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, Rome 1942. Advertising on the October 1940 issue of the magazine Civiltà / Storia dellExpo, Roma 1942. pubblicità nel numero dellottobre 1940 della rivista Civiltà - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, Rome 1942. G. Quaroni, watercolor  / Storia dellExpo, Roma 1942. G. Quaroni, acquerello - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, Rome 1942. Mario Sironi, without title / Storia dellExpo, Roma 1942. Mario Sirono, senza titolo  - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, Rome 1942. Works in October, 1940 / Storia dellExpo, Roma 1942. Lavori nel 1940 - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, Rome 1942. Study by Marcello Piacentini / Storia dellExpo, Roma 1942. Studio di Marcello Piacentini - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, Rome 1942. Study by Marcello Piacentini / Storia dellExpo, Roma 1942. Studio di Marcello Piacentini - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, Rome 1942. Study by Marcello Piacentini / Storia dellExpo, Roma 1942. Studio di Marcello Piacentini - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, Rome 1942. Palace of Italian Civilization  / Storia dellExpo, Roma 1942. Palazzo della civiltà italiana - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, Rome 1942. Arc by Adalberto Libera / Storia dellExpo, Roma 1942. Larco di Adalberto Libera - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, San Francisco 1939-1940.  Japanese pavilion / Storia dellExpo, San Francisco 1939-1940. Padiglione giapponese - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, San Francisco 1939-1940. Pan-American Unity, mural by Diego Rivera / Storia dellExpo, San Francisco 1939-1940. Pan-American Unity, murale di Diego Rivera - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, San Francisco 1939-1940. Triumph Arc / Storia dellExpo, San Francisco 1939-1940. Arco di trionfo  - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, San Francisco 1939-1940. One of the posters for the Indian Court in the Federal Palace: blanket design of the Haida Indians / Storia dellExpo, San Francisco 1939-1940. Uno dei manifesti per la corte indiana nel Palazzo federale: motivo di coperta Haida  - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, San Francisco 1939-1940. One of the posters for the Indian Court in the Federal Palace: Seneca mask / Storia dellExpo, San Francisco 1939-1940. Uno dei manifesti per la corte indiana nel Palazzo federale: maschera Seneca  - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, San Francisco 1939-1940. One of the posters for the Indian Court in the Federal Palace: buffalo hunt in the great plains / Storia dellExpo, San Francisco 1939-1940. Uno dei manifesti per la corte indiana nel Palazzo federale: caccia al bisonte nelle grandi pianure  - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, San Francisco 1939-1940. One of the posters for the Indian Court in the Federal Palace: Apache devil dancer / Storia dellExpo, San Francisco 1939-1940. Uno dei manifesti per la corte indiana nel Palazzo federale: diavoli danzanti apache  - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, San Francisco 1939-1940. One of the posters for the Indian Court in the Federal Palace: eskimo mask / Storia dellExpo, San Francisco 1939-1940. Uno dei manifesti per la corte indiana nel Palazzo federale: maschera eschimese - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, San Francisco 1939-1940. One of the posters for the Indian Court in the Federal Palace: navaho antelope hunt / Storia dellExpo, San Francisco 1939-1940. Uno dei manifesti per la corte indiana nel Palazzo federale: caccia allantilope dei navaho  - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, San Francisco 1939-1940. One of the posters for the Indian Court in the Federal Palace: Pueblo Turtle dancers / Storia dellExpo, San Francisco 1939-1940. Uno dei manifesti per la corte indiana nel Palazzo federale: danza puebla della tartaruga  - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, San Francisco 1939-1940. Plan of the exposition offered by Shell / Storia dellExpo, San Francisco 1939-1940. Pianta dellesposizione offerta dalla Shell  - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, San Francisco 1939-1940. Main portal, Avenue of the Seven Seals and exhibit palaces / Storia dellExpo, San Francisco 1939-1940. Ingresso principale, Viale dei sette mari e palazzi dellesposizione - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, San Francisco 1939-1940. Treasure Island by night / Storia dellExpo, San Francisco 1939-1940. Treasure Island  di notte - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, San Francisco 1939-1940. Poster / Storia dellExpo, San Francisco 1939-1940. Manifesto - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, New York 1939-1940. Poster / Storia dellExpo, New York 1939-1940. Manifesto - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, New York 1939-1940. Souvenir brochure / Storia dellExpo, New York 1939-1940. Brochure ricordo - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, New York 1939-1940. Cover of the New York Worlds Fair Comics / Storia dellExpo, New York 1939-1940. Copertina di  New York Worlds Fair Comics - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, New York 1939-1940. Poster / Storia dellExpo, New York 1939-1940. Manifesto - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, New York 1939-1940. The family Middleton and the robot Elektro / Storia dellExpo, New York 1939-1940. La famiglia Middleton e il robot Elektro - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, New York 1939-1940. Poster / Storia dellExpo, New York 1939-1940. Manifesto - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, New York 1939-1940. Communication Palace / Storia dellExpo, New York 1939-1940. Palazzo delle - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, New York 1939-1940. Postcard / Storia dellExpo, New York 1939-1940. Cartolina - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, New York 1939-1940. Postcard / Storia dellExpo, New York 1939-1940. Cartolina - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Expo History, New York 1939-1940. Brochure / Storia dellExpo, New York 1939-1940. Brochure - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
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