American actress Paulette Goddard (1910-1990) / Lattrice americana Paulette Goddard (1910-1990) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Russian music composers Alexander Glazunov (1865-1936) and Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1904) / I compositori russi Alexander Glazunov (1865-1936) e Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1904) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Italian poet Giuseppe Giusti (1809-1850) / Il poeta Giuseppe Giusti (1809-1850)  - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Italian actor Massimo Girotti (1918-2003) / Lattore Massimo Girotti (1918-2003) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Wieliczka , Poland, 1936. Karol Wojtyla, the future Pope John Paul II, at age 16 with his class during a school trip to a coal mine (first from right) / Wieliczka , Polonia, 1936. Karol Wojtyla, futuro papa Giovanni Paolo II, a 16 anni con la sua classe durante una gita scolastica ad una miniera di carbone (primo da destra) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Krakov, Poland, 1939. Karol Wojtyla, the future Pope John Paul II, at 19 years in the army (second from right) / Cracovia, Polonia, 1939. Karol Wojtyla, futuro papa Giovanni Paolo II, a 19 anni durante il servizio militare (secondo da destra) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Krakov, Poland, 1939. Karol Wojtyla, the future Pope John Paul II, at 19 years in the army (first row, second from right) / Cracovia, Polonia, 1939. Karol Wojtyla, futuro papa Giovanni Paolo II, a 19 anni durante il servizio militare (prima fila, secondo da destra) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Kracov, Poland, 1904. Karol Wojtyla Senior and Emilia Kaczorowska, parents of Karol futur Pope John Paul II, on the day of their wedding / Cracovia, Polonia, 1904. Karol Wojtyla Senior ed Emilia Kaczorowska, genitori e fratello di Karol futuro papa Giovanni paolo II, nel giorno del loro matrimonio - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Kracov, Poland, 1908. Karol Wojtyla Senior and his wife Emilia Kaczorowska with their first son Edmund; parents and brother of Karol, the futur Pope John Paul II / Cracovia, Polonia, 1908. Karol Wojtyla Senior e sua moglie Emilia Kaczorowska con il loro primo figlio Edmund; genitori e fratello di Karol, futuro papa Giovanni paolo II - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Krakov, Poland, 1932. Karol Wojtyla, future Pope John Paul II, at age 12 / Cracovia, polonia, 1932. Karol Wojtyla, futuro papa Giovanni Paolo II, alletà di 12 anni - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Krakov, Poland, 1929. Karol Wojtyla, future Pope John Paul II, at age nine on the day of his First Communion / Cracovia, Polonia, 1929. Karol Wojtyla, futuro papa Giovanni Paolo II, alletà di 9 anni nel giorno della sua prima comunione - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Joanna of Castile known as Joanna the Mad (1479-1555) / Giovanna di Aragona e Castiglia conosciuta anche come Giovanna la Pazza (1479-1555) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Italian philosopher and economist Melchiorre Gioia (1767-1829) / Il filosofo ed economista  Melchiorre Gioia  (1767-1829) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Italian operatic tenor Beniamino Gigli (1890-1957) / Il tenore Beniamino Gigli (1890-1957) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Italian silent film actor, director and screenwriter Emilio Ghione (1879 -1930) / Lattore, regista e sceneggiatore del cinema muto Emilio Ghione (1879 -1930) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
King George VI Windsor and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, future parents of Queen Elisabeth II of England, just married (26 April 1923) / Il re Giorgio VI Windsor e Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, futuri genitori della regina Elisabetta II dInghilterra, il giorno del loro matrimonio (23 aprile 1923) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
German physicist Hans Geiger (left) and New Zealand-born British physicist Ernest Rutherford of Nelson in 1912 / Il fisico tedesco  Hans Geiger (a sinistra) e il fisico Neozelandese di origine inglese Ernest Rutherford of Nelson nel 1912 - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
French painter Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) / Il pittore francese Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
American actors Ray Bolger and Judy Garland on the set of the movie The Wizard of Oz directed by Victor Fleming (1939) / Gli attori americani Ray Bolger e Judy Garland sul set del film Il mago di Oz diretto da Victor Fleming (1939) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
American actress Judy Garland: advertising for the movie  The Wizard of Oz (1939) / Lattrice americana Judy Garland: pubblicità per il film Il mago di Oz (1939) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Italian actress Dina Galli (1877–1951) / Lattrice Dina Galli (1877–1951) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Italian astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) / Lastronomo e fisico Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Italian astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) / Lastronomo e fisico Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642) - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Claudius Galenus, also known as Galen of Pergamon  (129-199 c.), prominent Greek physician, surgeon and philosopher in the Roman empire / Claudio Galeno o Galeno di Pergamo (129-199 c.), importante medico greco dellimpero romano - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
American actor Clark Gable (1936) / Lattore americano Clark Gable (1936) - Reproduced By MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
American actor Clark Gable (1955) / Lattore americano Clark Gable (1955) - Reproduced By MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
French actors Jean Gabin and Pierre Fresnay on the set of the movie La Grande Illusion (1937, Grand Illusion) directed by Jean Renoir / Gli attori francesi Jean Gabin e Pierre Fresnay sul set del film La grande illusione (1937) diretto da Jean Renoir - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer), oil painting on canvas by German Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich made in 1818, exhibited at the Hamburger Kunsthalle in Hamburg / Il Viandante sul mare di nebbia (Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer), dipinto a olio su tela del pittore romantico tedesco Caspar David Friedrich realizzato nel 1818, esposto al Hamburger Kunsthalle di Amburgo - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939),  father of psychoanalysis / Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), padre della psicoanalisi - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939),  father of psychoanalysis / Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), padre della psicoanalisi - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939),  father of psychoanalysis / Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), padre della psicoanalisi - Reproduced by MaMoArchives/Rosebud2
Johanna Basford , Ink Evangelist. Edinburgh May 2013..©Photograph by Phil Wilkinson/TSPL/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Johanna Basford , Ink Evangelist. Edinburgh May 2013..©Photograph by Phil Wilkinson/TSPL/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Johanna Basford , Ink Evangelist. Edinburgh May 2013..©Photograph by Phil Wilkinson/TSPL/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Johanna Basford , Ink Evangelist. Edinburgh May 2013..©Photograph by Phil Wilkinson/TSPL/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Roma 19 agosto 2009..Vanni Scheiwiller, editore, ritratto a nel chiostro dellHotel Four Season a Milano, dopo un pranzo di lavoro..Foto: Rino Bianchi ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Roma 19 agosto 2009..Vanni Scheiwiller, editore, ritratto a nel chiostro dellHotel Four Season a Milano, dopo un pranzo di lavoro..Foto: Rino Bianchi ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Roma 26 maggio 1994.Andrea Camilleri, scrittore, ritratto nella sua casa romana..Foto: Rino Bianchi ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Roma 26 maggio 1994..Andrea Camilleri, scrittore, ritratto nella sua casa romana..Foto: Rino Bianchi ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Roma 26 maggio 2002..Andrea Camilleri, scrittore, ritratto nella sua abitazione romana..Foto: Rino Bianchi ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Roma 26 maggio 1994..Andrea Camilleri, scrittore, ritratto nella sua casa romana..Foto: Rino Bianchi ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Roma 26 maggio 1994.Andrea Camilleri, scrittore, ritratto nella sua casa romana..Foto: Rino Bianchi ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Roma 26 maggio 1994..Andrea Camilleri, scrittore, ritratto nella sua casa romana..Foto: Rino Bianchi ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Mona Eltahawy December 22, 2011.  The prominent US-Egyptian journalist has described a brutal sexual and physical assault that she says ©Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Mona Eltahawy December 22, 2011.  The prominent US-Egyptian journalist has described a brutal sexual and physical assault that she says ©Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Mona Eltahawy December 22, 2011.  The prominent US-Egyptian journalist has described a brutal sexual and physical assault that she says ©Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Mona Eltahawy December 22, 2011.  The prominent US-Egyptian journalist has described a brutal sexual and physical assault that she says ©Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Mona Eltahawy December 22, 2011.  The prominent US-Egyptian journalist has described a brutal sexual and physical assault that she says ©Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Mona Eltahawy December 22, 2011.  The prominent US-Egyptian journalist has described a brutal sexual and physical assault that she says ©Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Mona Eltahawy December 22, 2011.  The prominent US-Egyptian journalist has described a brutal sexual and physical assault that she says ©Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Paolo di Paolo, Italian writer in 2015. ©Ulf Andersen/Rosebud2
Paolo di Paolo, Italian writer in 2015. ©Ulf Andersen/Rosebud2
Paolo di Paolo, Italian writer in 2015. ©Ulf Andersen/Rosebud2
Paolo di Paolo, Italian writer in 2015. ©Ulf Andersen/Rosebud2
Paolo di Paolo, Italian writer in 2015. ©Ulf Andersen/Rosebud2
Paolo di Paolo, Italian writer in 2015. ©Ulf Andersen/Rosebud2
Paolo di Paolo, Italian writer in 2015. ©Ulf Andersen/Rosebud2
Paolo di Paolo, Italian writer in 2015. ©Ulf Andersen/Rosebud2
Paolo di Paolo, Italian writer in 2015. ©Ulf Andersen/Rosebud2
Paolo di Paolo, Italian writer in 2015. ©Ulf Andersen/Rosebud2
Paolo di Paolo, Italian writer in 2015. ©Ulf Andersen/Rosebud2
Paolo di Paolo, Italian writer in 2015. ©Ulf Andersen/Rosebud2
Rome March 18, 2010..Valentino Zeichen (Rijeka, 1938), photographed in Rome in Piazza Clock, Italian writer and poet, author of novels and collections of poetry/Valentino Zeichen (Fiume, 1938), fotografato a Roma in piazza dellOrologio, scrittore e poeta italiano, autore di romanzi e di raccolte di poesie..Photo: RINO BIANCHI ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Rome March 18, 2010..Valentino Zeichen (Rijeka, 1938), photographed in Rome in Piazza Clock, Italian writer and poet, author of novels and collections of poetry/Valentino Zeichen (Fiume, 1938), fotografato a Roma in piazza dellOrologio, scrittore e poeta italiano, autore di romanzi e di raccolte di poesie..Photo: RINO BIANCHI ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Rome March 18, 2010..Valentino Zeichen (Rijeka, 1938), photographed in Rome in Piazza Clock, Italian writer and poet, author of novels and collections of poetry/Valentino Zeichen (Fiume, 1938), fotografato a Roma in piazza dellOrologio, scrittore e poeta italiano, autore di romanzi e di raccolte di poesie..Photo: RINO BIANCHI ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Rome November 17, 2015..Aurelio Picca, writer, photographed at the Feltrinelli bookshop at the presentation of the novel by Valentino Zeichen La Sumera/Aurelio Picca, scrittore, fotografato alla Libreria Feltrinella in occasione della presentazione del romanzo di Valentino Zeichen La Sumera..Photo: RINO BIANCHI ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Rome November 17, 2015..Aurelio Picca,Paolo Di Paolo and Valentino Zeichen photographed at the Feltrinelli bookshop at the presentation of the novel by Valentino Zeichen La Sumera/Aurelio Picca, Paolo Di Paolo e Valentino Zeichen, fotografati alla Libreria Feltrinella in occasione della presentazione del romanzo di Valentino Zeichen La Sumera..Photo: RINO BIANCHI ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Rome November 17, 2015..Franco Buffoni, poet and writer, photographed in Feltrinelli at the presentation of the novel La Sumera/Franco Buffoni, poeta e scrittore, fotografato nella libreria Feltrinelli in occasione della presentazione del romanzo La Sumera..Photo: RINO BIANCHI ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Rome June 13, 2011..Michela Murgia, blogger, journalist and writer, photographed at the House of Literature in Rome/Michela Murgia, blogger, giornalista e scrittrice, fotografata alla Casa delle Letterature di Roma. .Photo: RINO BIANCHI ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Rome June 13, 2011..Michela Murgia, blogger, journalist and writer, photographed at the House of Literature in Rome/Michela Murgia, blogger, giornalista e scrittrice, fotografata alla Casa delle Letterature di Roma. .Photo: RINO BIANCHI ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Rome June 13, 2011..Michela Murgia, blogger, journalist and writer, photographed at the House of Literature in Rome/Michela Murgia, blogger, giornalista e scrittrice, fotografata alla Casa delle Letterature di Roma. .Photo: RINO BIANCHI ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Rome June 13, 2011..Michela Murgia, blogger, journalist and writer, photographed at the House of Literature in Rome/Michela Murgia, blogger, giornalista e scrittrice, fotografata alla Casa delle Letterature di Roma. .Photo: RINO BIANCHI ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Rome, April 9, 2011..Michela Murgia, writer, photographed in Rome and in the installation of stiilista disigner Marras/Michela Murgia, scrittrice, ritratta a Roma nellistallazione dello stiilista e disigner Marras..Photo: RINO BIANCHI ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Rome, April 9, 2011..Michela Murgia, writer, photographed in Rome and in the installation of stiilista disigner Marras/Michela Murgia, scrittrice, ritratta a Roma nellistallazione dello stiilista e disigner Marras..Photo: RINO BIANCHI ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Rome April 9, 2011..Michela Murgia, writer, photographed in Rome and in the installation of stiilista disigner Marras/Michela Murgia, scrittrice, ritratta a Roma nellistallazione dello stiilista e disigner Marras..Photo: RINO BIANCHI ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Rome April 9, 2011..Michela Murgia, writer, photographed in Rome and in the installation of stiilista disigner Marras/Michela Murgia, scrittrice, ritratta a Roma nellistallazione dello stiilista e disigner Marras..Photo: RINO BIANCHI ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Rome April 9, 2011..Michela Murgia, writer, photographed in Rome and in the installation of stiilista disigner Marras/Michela Murgia, scrittrice, ritratta a Roma nellistallazione dello stiilista e disigner Marras..Photo: RINO BIANCHI ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Rome April 9, 2011..Michela Murgia, writer, photographed in Rome and in the installation of stiilista disigner Marras/Michela Murgia, scrittrice, ritratta a Roma nellistallazione dello stiilista e disigner Marras..Photo: RINO BIANCHI ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Rome April 9, 2011..Michela Murgia, writer, photographed in Rome and in the installation of stiilista disigner Marras/Michela Murgia, scrittrice, ritratta a Roma nellistallazione dello stiilista e disigner Marras..Photo: RINO BIANCHI ©Rino Bianchi/Rosebud2
Emily St John Mandel, the Canadian novelist, at the Edinburgh International Book Festival 2015. .Edinburgh, Scotland. 24th August 2015..©Photograph by Gary Doak/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St John Mandel, the Canadian novelist, at the Edinburgh International Book Festival 2015. .Edinburgh, Scotland. 24th August 2015..©Photograph by Gary Doak/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St John Mandel, the Canadian novelist, at the Edinburgh International Book Festival 2015. .Edinburgh, Scotland. 24th August 2015..©Photograph by Gary Doak/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St John Mandel, the Canadian novelist, at the Edinburgh International Book Festival 2015. .Edinburgh, Scotland. 24th August 2015..©Photograph by Gary Doak/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St John Mandel, the Canadian novelist, at the Edinburgh International Book Festival 2015. .Edinburgh, Scotland. 24th August 2015..©Photograph by Gary Doak/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St. John Mandel. .copyright©Mathieu Bourgois/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St. John Mandel. .copyright©Mathieu Bourgois/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St. John Mandel. .copyright©Mathieu Bourgois/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St. John Mandel. .copyright©Mathieu Bourgois/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St. John Mandel. .copyright©Mathieu Bourgois/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St. John Mandel. .copyright©Mathieu Bourgois/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St. John Mandel. .copyright©Mathieu Bourgois/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St. John Mandel. .copyright©Mathieu Bourgois/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St. John Mandel. .copyright©Mathieu Bourgois/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St. John Mandel. .copyright©Mathieu Bourgois/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St. John Mandel. .copyright©Mathieu Bourgois/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St. John Mandel. .copyright©Mathieu Bourgois/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St. John Mandel. .copyright©Mathieu Bourgois/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St. John Mandel. .copyright©Mathieu Bourgois/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St. John Mandel. .copyright©Mathieu Bourgois/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
Emily St. John Mandel. .copyright©Mathieu Bourgois/Writer Pictures/Rosebud2
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