refugee in beograd, 1993, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
itaslian pacifist march, zadar, 1993, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
ancona, italy, refugees from bosnia, 1994, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
bosnian refugees in a camp, 1992, ancona, italy, refugees from bosnia, 1994, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
bosnian refugees in a camp, 1992, ancona, italy, refugees from bosnia, 1994, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
kosowo, pristina, street boys ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
bosnian refugees in a camp, 1992, ancona, italy, refugees from bosnia, 1994, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
bosnian refugees in a camp, 1992, ancona, italy, refugees from bosnia, 1994, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
ancona, italy, refugees from bosnia, 1994, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
zadar, croatia, 1992, refugees in a  camp, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
sarajevo, 1993, during an italian pacifists march, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
sarajevo, 1993, during an italian pacifists march, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
sarajevo, 1993, during an italian pacifists march, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
sarajevo, 1993, an orphan in the kosowo hospital ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
zagreb, in a  cure house Diana from Srebrenica lies blinded becaus a bull shot passed through her head, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
zagreb, in a  cure house Diana from Srebrenica lies blinded becaus a bull shot passed through her head, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mostar, herze bosnia, 1993, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mostar, herze bosnia, 1993, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mostar, herze bosnia, 1993, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mostar, 1993, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
brescia, italy, 1994, the funeral of an italian pacifist killed in mostar, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mostar, 1993, UN spanish troops and gypsies, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
a canadian UN soldier, 1992, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mostar, spanish UN troops, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
1993, near mostar, gypsies, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mostar, 1993, a spanish UN officer with a child, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
1993, mostar. people praying for their victims in an urban cemetry, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mostar, 1993, the robe di kappa shop destroied in a bombing, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
1993, mostar, the cemetry guardian eating in the children zone, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
1993, mostar. people praying for their victims in an urban cemetry, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
1993, mostar. people praying for their victims in an urban cemetry, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
herzeg-bosnia, mostar, 1993, the results of a bombing, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
herzeg-bosnia, mostar, 1993, the results of a bombing, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mostar, refugees praiìying in an arena transformed in a mosquee, 1993, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
1993, mostar. people praying for their victims in an urban cemetry, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
refugees from bosnia near their embarkment in a ship to italy, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
osjek, a funeral for a policeman killed by serbs, 1991, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
mostra, herzeg bosnia, 1993, an old woman killed by snipers, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
a refugees camp near mostra, 1992, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
sarajevo, 1993, a peace rally, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
sarajevo, 1993, a peace rally, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
bosnian refugees in a camp near ljubiana, slovenia, 1992, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
italy, ancona, bosnian refugees arriving by ship to italy, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
italy, ancona, bosnian refugees arriving by ship to italy, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
near mostar, 1993, the border between herzeg bosnia and serbia patroled by soldiers, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
osjek, croatia, 1992, a bombing, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
zadar, 1992, peacefists from italy, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
zadar, 1992, peacefists from italy, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
beograd, serbia, 1993, rally against the serbian  government, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
beograd, serbia, 1993, during a mass in the cathedral, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
sanctuary for water turtles in perenthian island, malaysia, eggs are protected from predator and the guardian help the newborn to the sea, malaysia, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
iraq, najaaf, a women injured by fire after the sciites rebellion, 1992, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
beograd, serbia, 1993, rally against the serbian  government, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
sanctuary for water turtles in perenthian island, malaysia, eggs are protected from predator and the guardian help the newborn to the sea, malaysia, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
iraq, baghdad, saddam teaching hospital for children, 1992, children near to death one year after the end of the 1991 gulf war, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
beograd, serbia, 1993, rally against the serbian  government, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
sanctuary for water turtles in perenthian island, malaysia, eggs are protected from predator and the guardian help the newborn to the sea, malaysia, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
iraq, baghdad, saddam teaching hospital for children, 1992, children near to death one year after the end of the 1991 gulf war, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
beograd, serbia, 1993, rally against the serbian  government, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
iraq, baghdad, saddam teaching hospital for children, 1992, children near to death one year after the end of the 1991 gulf war, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
beograd, serbia, 1993, rally against the serbian  government, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
beograd, serbia, 1993, rally against the serbian  government, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
iraq, baghdad, saddam teaching hospital for children, 1992, children near to death one year after the end of the 1991 gulf war, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
beograd, serbia, 1993, rally against the serbian  government, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
beograd, serbia, 1993, rally against the serbian  government, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
iraq, baghdad, saddam teaching hospital for children, 1992, children near to death one year after the end of the 1991 gulf war, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
beograd, serbia, 1993, rally against the serbian  government, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
iraq, baghdad, saddam teaching hospital for children, 1992, children near to death one year after the end of the 1991 gulf war, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
beograd, serbia, 1993, rally against the serbian  government, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
beograd, 1993, the ortodox pope during a mass, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
iraq, baghdad, saddam teaching hospital for children, 1992, children near to death one year after the end of the 1991 gulf war, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
croatia, near medjugorie, mass for the soldiers, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
iraq, baghdad, saddam teaching hospital for children, 1992, children near to death one year after the end of the 1991 gulf war, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
1993, sarajevo, a bombing, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
croatia, vukovar, 1991, a father with his wounded son in the vukovar hospital, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
iraq, baghdad, saddam teaching hospital for children, 1992, children near to death one year after the end of the 1991 gulf war, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
osjek, croatia, a man killed by snipers, 1992, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
osjek, croatia, a man killed by snipers, 1992, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
osjiek, croatia, an old woman after a bombing, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
iraq, baghdad, saddam teaching hospital for children, 1992, children near to death one year after the end of the 1991 gulf war, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
croatia, zadar, a woman shows a chip of a bombing on her house, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
iraq, baghdad, saddam teaching hospital for children, 1992, children near to death one year after the end of the 1991 gulf war, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
croatia, 1992, osjiek, a soldier in the snow, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
sarajevo, kosowo hospital, aa wounded orphan, 1993, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
orangutan monkey, borneo, malaysia, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
iraq, baghdad, saddam teaching hospital for children, 1992, children near to death one year after the end of the 1991 gulf war, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
sarajevo, kosowo hospital, 1993, a wounded by serbian bombing, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
ombratta fumagalli-carulli, RamellaAlberto/GraziaNeri ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
orangutan monkey, borneo, malaysia, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
sarajevo, 1993, an old woman looking for heating wood ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
orangutan monkey, borneo, malaysia, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
orangutan monkey, borneo, malaysia, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
baghdad, the war museum, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
near mostra, surgical operation in a military  UN camp hospital ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
orangutan monkey, borneo, malaysia, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
iraq, baghdad, 1992, a souk, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
sarajevo, 1993, people celebration near the place of a snipers killing, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
orangutan monkey, borneo, malaysia, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
iraq, baghdad, 1992, celebrations for the saddam husseins birthday, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
refugees fro bosnia arriving by ship to ancona, 1993, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
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