slow food, Salone del Gusto, Terra Madre 2006 - Torino, oct 06 - international fair about slow food, world food cultures and traditional and natural food protection . ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
slow food, Salone del Gusto, Terra Madre 2006 - Torino, oct 06 - international fair about slow food, world food cultures and traditional and natural food protection . ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
slow food, Salone del Gusto, Terra Madre 2006 - Torino, oct 06 - international fair about slow food, world food cultures and traditional and natural food protection . ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
slow food, Salone del Gusto, Terra Madre 2006 - Torino, oct 06 - international fair about slow food, world food cultures and traditional and natural food protection . ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Torino, january 15, 2008 - opening of the trial against THYSSEN KRUPP for the fire of dec 7 2007, where 7 workers losted their life. the factory former director Giuseppe Salerno, accused,  during trial ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Torino, january 15, 2008 - opening of the trial against THYSSEN KRUPP for the fire of dec 7 2007, where 7 workers losted their life. the factory former director Giuseppe Salerno, accused,  during trial ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Slow food, Salone del Gusto, 2004, Turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Slow Food, Salone del Gusto, Turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Ryuichi, Sakamoto, japan, musician, 2002, Turin , ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Ryuichi, Sakamoto, japan, musician, 2002, Turin , ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Ryuichi, Sakamoto, japan, musician, 2002, Turin , ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Ryuichi, Sakamoto, japan, musician, 2002, Turin , ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Ryuichi, Sakamoto, japan, musician, 2002, Turin , ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Ryuichi, Sakamoto, japan, musician, 2002, Turin , ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Ryuichi, Sakamoto, japan, musician, 2002, Turin , ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Ryuichi, Sakamoto, japan, musician, 2002, Turin , ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Ryuichi, Sakamoto, japan, musician, 2002, Turin , ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Ryuichi, Sakamoto, japan, musician, 2002, Turin , ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Ryuichi, Sakamoto, japan, musician, 2002, Turin , ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Ryuichi, Sakamoto, japan, musician, 2002, Turin , ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Ryuichi, Sakamoto, japan, musician, 2002, Turin , ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Silvio, Saffirio, advertising creativ, , ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Sabina, Guzzanti, actress, Fiera Internazione del Libro 2005, Turin, may 8th 2005 ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
bruno ribeiro, lamore dei tre re, opera, 2004-2005, teatro regio torino, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
bruno ribeiro, lamore dei tre re, opera, 2004-2005, teatro regio torino, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Torino, 11 maggio 2007.INTERNATIONAL BOOK FAIR - TORINO 2007 - FIERA DEL LIBRO 2007 XXa EDIZIONE.nella foto: FRANCESCO RUTELLI. ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Francesco, Rutelli, politician, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Francesco, Rutelli, politician, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Francesco, Rutelli, politician, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Francesco, Rutelli, politician, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Francesco, Rutelli, politician, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Francesco, Rutelli, politician, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Francesco, Rutelli, politician, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
francesco rutelli,politician, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
operazione vigili del fuoco - protezione civile ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
operazione vigili del fuoco - protezione civile ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
operazione vigili del fuoco - protezione civile ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rudra dance ballet by maurice bèjart, teatro regio torino, 2001, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rudra dance ballet by maurice bèjart, teatro regio torino, 2001, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rudra dance ballet by maurice bèjart, teatro regio torino, 2001, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Roberto, Rosso, politician, may 2001, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Maurizio, Rossi, economy, , ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
europe, montecarlo, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
Photomontage stock photo as mandala using repetition of common objects and things in phase of mutation, from the series MUTOIDS. Stock photography by Alberto Ramella showing a repitionof a child room ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
gianni rondolino, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
luca ronconi, theatre director, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
luca ronconi, theatre director, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
luca ronconi, theatre director, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
luca ronconi, theatre director, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
luca ronconi, theatre director, margherita palli, scenography, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
luca ronconi, theatre director, margherita palli, scenography, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
suburbs of venaria reale, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
turin, suburbs of venaria reale, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
turin, suburbs of venaria reale, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
turin, suburbs of venaria reale, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
turin, suburbs of venaria reale, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
turin, suburbs of venaria reale, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
turin, suburbs of venaria reale, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
turin, suburbs of venaria reale, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
turin, suburbs of venaria reale, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
turin, suburbs of venaria reale, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
turin, suburbs of venaria reale, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
turin, suburbs of venaria reale, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
turin, suburbs of venaria reale, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
turin, suburbs of venaria reale, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
turin, suburbs of venaria reale, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
rom gypsies people from romania in a camp ner venaria, suburbs of turin, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
turin, suburbs of venaria reale, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
turin, venaria reale former king residence, reggia di venaria reale, ©Alberto Ramella/Rosebud2
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